Tinkebell, Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine, Snow White...Lily, Ava and every other little girl in town under 6. Lily, Ava and I went to the Disney on Ice "Princess Wishes" show at HP Pavillion this weekend. We had a blast. Ava was captivated and was so good. Stayed with me the whole time, followed Lily's directions, sat nicely (well, the last 30 minutes she jumped around on my lap, to the dismay of the people sitting behind us), and said "peez" and "tanks" in the right places. Lily did a great job of leading her little sister into princess-heaven. Ariel (ah-ah-ah....the girls are a tad bit off key, but oh well) was our favorite, as always. Oh, and Tinkerbell too Lily discovered her last summer at Disneyland when we stayed at the Disneyland Hotel. Our hotel room was adorned with a Tinkerbell wallpaper border - glow in the dark pixie dust circled the ceiling. Definitely memorable. Disney just does it for me. Every. Single. Time. (Yes, your party did me good.)