Today, Eric Goldman, Associate Professor and Director of the High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara University School of Law (where I earned my JD/MBA), gave a talk about social networking and blogging to law students. The group that he spoke to was the Student Intellectual Property Law Association (SIPLA) - oh, how this brings back memories. I was Vice President of the SPLPA when I was in law school and we were just getting the program off the ground.
He posted his slides and a great bibliography of previous materials he has posted about these subjects. I have been a reader of Eric's Technology & Marketing Law Blog for a long time now, and really appreciate the compilation of resources for bloggers and social media fans. In the compilation is a list of Bay Area Blawgers - I'm heading to a meet up with some of these writers in March and am looking forward to adding some great new feeds to my Google Reader and friends IRL (in real life...if you're not sure what that means).