Tomorrow I am headed to Chicago for the BlogHer'09 Conference. I am very excited to meet up with fellow bloggers, see what some of my blog/internet/media clients are up to and generally enjoy some interesting sessions (and some parties too!).
I spoke at BlogHer last year on legal issues with blogging (in the Taking Care of Business session, I believe it was called), so thought I would repost my materials and guides for anyone that is interested. Check them all out here.
I think some of the interesting sessions from a legal perspective this year will be on the new FTC regulations regarding blogging and product reviews. I have written a bit about this and have been watching it closely.
In other news, I think this tool from Stanford University's Copyright & Fair Use is very useful in evaluating when a use is fair. As I've said before, it is not a simple test, so I think that tools like this can really provide some much needed air.